I've been coding for more than four years in a variety of languages, including Python (passed the Linkedin skill test), OOPS (passed the Linkedin skill test), Java, HTML (passed the Linkedin skill test), CSS, PHP, JavaScript, C++, Ajax, and Arduino programming. I'm an undergraduate student at the Vellore Institute of Technology.
I ❤️ coffee
C++ Programming
Created a Responsive Website on PythEra (imaginary online Python teaching platform) using Bootstrap and hosted it on Github
Created a Rainy Day SMS Bot using Python that sends the SMS on the rainy Day in the Morning. It Uses OPENWEATHERMAP Api for checking the Weather condition and Twilio SMS api for sending the SMS automatically then hosted it on Python Anywhere to schedule the task in morning.
Created Automatic Python email bot using SMTP library that sends random motivation Quotes automatically to the person using from txt file on EMAIL. I hosted this code on the cloud and scheduled to run daily and check if its monday using Python Anywhere Platform
Created a PING-PONG game as a Mini project using the python Turtle Module. This game is inspired by Original Ping Pong Game
Created a Snake Game using the turtle grpahics for PyThon language. This game is inspired by Original SNAKE GAME.
This is a Project that I created using Jupyter Notebook Language on Google colab using the online available dataset and predict the Red wine quality.
This is a game made by me and my friends as a Mini Project for my Computer Graphics Course . This game is inspired by Flappy Birds and it is made using the basic JavaScript and in online compiler called as p5 editor All the basic refrences was taken by the inbuilt reference library of p5 editor